What Happens If You Can’t Afford Cremation Services in Destrehan, LA?
When you find out you have to cover the cost of cremation services in Destrehan, LA for a loved one, your first thought might be about how you will pay for those services. Cremations are affordable but if you weren’t prepared for your loved one’s death and didn’t have any money saved up, it can still be hard to come up with the money to pay for them. Here are some suggestions that can help you come up with a way to pay for the services so you can give your loved one the goodbye they deserve.
Reach Out to Family
Don’t think you have to pay for the services on your own, you can reach out to your family and ask them to help you. You can ask for money or you can see if anyone will split the cost of the service with you. In most cases, your family and friends will want to assist you with the cost of the cremation. If you don’t let them know you need help paying for the cremation, they may not even realize it’s something that is difficult for you.
You might be able to find assistance program to cover the cremation costs. If your loved one is a veteran, they may be entitled to a fully paid for service. Your loved one may also have work or even an insurance policy that will pay for the cost of their funeral or cremation. Before you start to plan the service or decide that you can’t afford a service, make sure you have weighed your options and have tried to find programs that can help you.
While a loan may not be your first choice of payment for a cremation, it is an option. A loan will help you cover the cost of the services now and then make payment on it overtime to pay it off. You can find different types of loans that have low interest rates and make it easy to be able to afford the services without spending too much or worrying about how you will come up with the money while you are also trying to grieve the loss of your loved one.
If you are trying to plan a cremation service for a loved one, you may feel like you have chosen the most affordable options. If you can’t afford a regular cremation, you might be scared and worried that you can’t give your loved one the goodbye they deserve. You can keep the above tips and suggestions in mind to help you come up with ways to pay for cremation services in Destrehan, LA. We are here to work with you to come up with the best options and plan a funeral service that you will allow you to lay your loved one to rest.

Edward Muhleisen
We have more than 125 years of experience caring for families, from all walks of life. When each family plan for the future. they comes to us because they know we are leaders in our profession, dedicated to excellence in service, and have the highest integrity.