Sympathy Gift Ideas For Funeral Homes In Kenner, LA That Can Go To The Cemetery
When you attend a funeral service at funeral homes in Kenner, LA you may also want to send a sympathy gift to the family. You have a lot of different options for the type of gift you will choose but it’s a good idea to send one that the family can use and that will last a long time. There are some gifts that you can send to the funeral home and the family can then take the cemetery to use as a decoration. Here are a few options to keep in mind.
If you have ever driven through a cemetery you have probably seen a lot of birdbaths. People like to decorate gravesites with birdbaths because they look great and they attract birds and other types of wildlife to the cemetery. This makes it seem as if your loved one is never alone and always has the company of nature. It can also be nice if you spend a lot of time at the cemetery paying your respects or visiting your loved one. The birdbath can be a nice, decorative feature that you can take to the funeral home and to the cemetery.
If you want to make sure the loved one is never in the dark, it makes sense to send a lantern as a gift to the family. Lanterns can be decorated with flowers, ribbons, and more. They can also be lit with candles or battery-operated lights. Lanterns look nice at cemeteries because they add some comforting lights. They also make it easier to find a headstone if you are looking for one at night or during bad weather when it’s not easy to see.
Faux Flowers
Many people choose to send flowers to funeral homes, but live flowers die after a few days and they can be very expensive. If you want something that will last but also add beauty to the funeral and the headstone, you may want to consider choosing faux flowers instead. These look like real flowers and will add the same decorative touch. They can be arranged for the funeral home and then again for the cemetery. This will give the family something to leave behind at the cemetery when they will likely have many other types of live flowers to take home with them.
If you are planning to send a sympathy gift to a family who has lost a loved one and you also want to be able for the family to get plenty of use out of it, be sure to consider something they could take to the cemetery. The above suggestions are just a few things to keep in mind. If you are ready to plan a funeral service at funeral homes in Kenner, LA, be sure to reach out to L.A. Muhleisen & Son Funeral Home. We are here to help with all your funeral planning needs. Give us a call to learn more about how we can help you.
Edward Muhleisen
We have more than 125 years of experience caring for families, from all walks of life. When each family plan for the future. they comes to us because they know we are leaders in our profession, dedicated to excellence in service, and have the highest integrity.